Invited Lecturers
Hiro Ejiri, Osaka, Japan:
Experiments for double beta decays and charge exchang reactions for neutrino physics
Ettore Fiorini, Milano, Italy:
Neutrino physics with cryogenic detectors
Joerg Hoerandel, Nijmegen, Netherlands:
Cosmic Rays at the Highest Energies
Manfred Lindner, Heidelberg, Germany:
Double Chooz and its Physics Potential
Eligio Lisi, Bari, Italy:
Analysis of neutrino mass, mixing and flavor change
Robert McKeown, Caltech, Pasadena, CA, USA:
Determination of the neutrino mixing angle ϑ13
Rabi Mohapatra, Maryland, USA:
Neutrino Mass and Grand Unification
Georg Raffelt, München, Germany:
Neutrinos in Astrophysics
Matsato Shiozawa, Tokyo, Japan:
New results from Super-Komiokande
Fedor Simkovic, Bratislava, Slovakia:
Double Beta Decay: A problem of particle, nuclear and atomic physics
Atsuto Suzuki, KEK, Japan:
KamLAND and T2K
Cristina Volpe, Orsay, France:
Search for CP violation in the lepton sector
David Wark, London, UK:
Determining Neutrino Cross Sections
Michael Wiescher, Notre Dame, USA:
Neutrino reactions in the sun and in laboratories
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