Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics

Seminar: Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics (WS 2024/2025)

Course information:

Thursday, 16:30-18:00
Room S103/110


Topics and dates:

Topic of the seminar:   Interaction of High Energy Particles with Matter, and Detectors.

The talks will be distributed at the first seminar date on October 17. The exact topics and dates will be fixed then and listed on this web page afterwards.

Some organizational guidelines


  • 17.10.2024 Distribution of the talks

  • 07.11.2024   Ionization I
                       Swathi Krishna: Ionization rate - Bethe-Bloch (GM) T
                       Sebastian Schnell: Ionization and drift in gases and liquids (GM) T
  • 14.11.2024   Ionization II
                       Ralf Averbeck: Time projection chambers   X
  • 21.11.2024   Ionization III
                       Javeed Rahim: Electrons and holes in seminconductors (MB) T
                       Rosakutty George: Silicon detectors (RA) X
  • 28.11.2024   Electromagnetic radiation I
                       Elmar Thewes: Scintillation (GM) T
                       Franziska Reinhard: Scintillation detectors (RA) X
  • 05.12.2024   Electromagnetic radiation II
                       Abhay Rajeev: Cherenkov and transition radiation (MB) T
                       Abix Muthipeedika Grax: RICH and transition radiation detectors (RA) X
  • 12.12.2024   Showers I
                       Jonas Imhof: Bremsstahlung, pair creation and electromagnetic showers (GM) T
                       Jaspreet Tumber: Electromagnetic calorimeters (TG) X
  • 19.12.2024   Showers II
                       Karim Zarrouk: Mesons and Baryons (MB) T
                       Harri Lara: QCD (MB) T

  • 16.01.2025   Showers III
                       Vincent Pruy: Hadronic scattering and showers (DM) T
                       Abhijith Perumyalil Santhosh: Hadronic calorimeters (RA) X
  • 23.01.2025   no seminar
  • 30.01.2025   Weak Interactions I
                       Dilip Mahalingam: Heavy quarks and their bound states (DM) T
                       Harshini Mailainathan: Weak interactions (DM) T
  • 06.02.2025   Weak Interactions II
                       Neelima Nithya Sudarsanan: CKM matrix and neutrinos (DM) T
  • 13.02.2025   Weak Interactions III
                       Shahbaj Ahmad: Neutrino Detectors (Super-Kamiokande, KamLAND, IceCube, DUNE) (TG) X

  • postponed to the next free spot:
    Thejasree Atiyeri Nellikka: Drift chambers (RA) X
    Philipp Zitzmann: Muon detectors (TG) X

Please send your talks (favored in pdf) to Michael Buballa.

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