Travel information

The map (not true to scale) shows the main train connections to the Kleinwalsertal. The train station closest to Hirschegg is Oberstdorf in Germany (it is the end station of that train line). From there you can get the Walserbus to Hirschegg. The bus stop closest to your accommodation and the Darmstädter Haus (formerly "Waldemar-Petersen-Haus", see WPH at coordinates P 5 on the local map of Hirschegg) is Außerhirschegg (N 7).

If you have any problems, you can call us at the Darmstädter Haus (phone +43 - 5517-5217) on Sunday, March 31, 2019, starting at 5 p.m.

If you come by plane the most suitable international airports are Munich, Stuttgart and Frankfurt (all located in Germany). All three airports have frequent city-train connections (S-Bahn) to the corresponding central train stations. Frankfurt Airport has its own long distance train station (AIRail terminal/Fernbahnhof).

For details contact the current timetable of the "Deutsche Bahn" for appropriate train connections to Oberstdorf. (On this web-page the on-site train stations of the Munich, or Frankfurt airport should be entered as Muenchen Flughafen Terminal or Frankfurt(M) Flughafen Fernbf, respectively; furthermore March 31, 2019 as 31.03.19 and 5 p.m. as 17:00).

Please note that although Hirschegg politically belongs to Austria it can only be reached via Germany (see map). Persons with travel documents, which enable them to enter Germany, need no further visa to go to Kleinwalsertal, since there is no border control.

Credit cards are not accepted everywhere.

The Kleinwalsertal is a well-known area. In April skiing should still be possible in the upper parts of the mountains. While hiking tours to the summits may not yet possible at that time, there are various hiking possibilities in the valley.