Structure of exotic nuclei
Structure of exotic nuclei

Although it is well-established
that almost half of the heavy elements are produced by the rapid
neutron-capture process (r-process), the quest to identify the actual
astrophysical site still ongoing [
1]. R-process models require nuclear physics input for a large number of
nuclei that have extreme neutron excess and stretch up to the limits of the
nuclear chart. Such nuclei lie far beyond capabilities of experimental
facilities in any foreseeable future, and hence r-process
simulations rely on theoretical predictions of
various nuclear properties. Nuclear masses are particularly important as they
determine thresholds of all nuclear reactions. These include neutron capture,
beta-decay and fission. They determine r-process path and the
final shape of the r-process abundances [
One of the most successful global nuclear physics approaches is the
self-consistent mean-field (SCMF) model based on Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov
(HFB) variational approach with energy density functionals (EDF). The
objective of the SCMF approach is to transform the intricate problem of
strongly interacting system of protons and neutrons into a much less complex
picture of non-interacting particles moving in a
self-consistent single-particle potential. Such a model is expected to be
reliable in extrapolations to unknown nuclei.
In our group we study the properties of exotic nuclei using the EDF
theory as a nuclear structure model, and nowadays we are focused in the
following topics:
- Enhance
the accuracy in theoretical calculations of nuclear masses across the whole
isotopic chart by tackling and resolving some of the remaining main issues
with the currently employed SCMF models. These include the treatment of odd
and odd-odd nuclei at the same self-consistent level as even-even nuclei [5]
and the inclusion of beyond mean field effects [6].
- Improve the theoretical description of the fission process within the EDF
In the fission decay the parental nucleus splits in two or more fragments of
similar mass. This process is driven by a delicate balance between the
repulsive Coulomb force
of protons and the strong force binding nucleons together. Moreover, quantum
mechanical effects such as shell effects and levels densities strongly
influence the fission properties of the nucleus. Our goal is to provide a
reliable description of this phenomena using the EDF theory
[7, 8]
and to provide a systematic data set of the fission properties (e.g. fission
barriers, fragments distributions, rates, ...) that are relevant in
astrophysical calculations.
- Provide global calculations of beta-decay rates for r-process nuclei that
consistenly consider both Gamow-Teller and forbidden transitions
The final aim of these studies is to provide a more robust description of the
major nuclear properties
entering as an input in
heavy nuclei nucleosynthesis calculations. In order to reach such a
goal, our group is constantly involved in improving the understanding of the
properties of exotic nuclei.
- [1]
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Arzhanov A, Rodriguez TR, Martinez-Pinedo G, in preparation (2016).
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Rodriguez TR, Arzhanov A, Martinez-Pinedo G, Phys. Rev. C91, 044315 (2015).
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T. Marketin, L. Huther, and G. Martínez-Pinedo,
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