Physics 224, Lecture 5

Frequency and Pitch

Musicians describe sustained, musical tones in terms of three quantities: These correspond to our perception of sound. I will assume you have an intuitive understanding of what each of these things "means."

A physicist would describe the same tone in terms of three quantities:

These correspond to a physical description of the sound. These three things are in close, but not exact correspondence to the musical descriptions:
Pitch = Frequency (+ small loudness correction)
Loudness = Intensity (+ substantial frequency and overtone corrections)
Timbre = Overtone Structure (+ frequency, intensity corrections)
By far the simplest of these three to explain is pitch and frequency, so that is where we will start.
The first observation is that musical tones are generally (almost) periodic . This is an important concept so we should illustrate it.

Listen to the following mp3 file of four sounds. The sounds, in the order I made them, were

  1. a finger being rubbed around the rim of a wine glass
  2. a wooden whistle
  3. the little siren I demonstrated in the second lecture
  4. the human (my) voice, singing "aah"
Each of these sounds has a definite pitch, though the siren's pitch moves around during the sound.

Each of these sounds was sampled with a microphone. The pressure, as a function of time, looked like this:

Above: the wine glass. Below: the whistle

Above, the siren. Below, the voice.

These recordings were made using software called Syntrillium Cool Edit; Syntrillium has been bought out by Adobe, which renamed it Adobe Audition. You can learn about it here .
The thing to notice about all four pictures is that the pressure pattern repeats over and over. In physics we call something which repeats like this periodic . The fact that these sounds are periodic, is the key to their having definite pitches. In fact, we can even say,

Sounds which are periodic have a definite pitch. Sounds with a definite pitch are periodic.

Of course nothing is perfectly periodic. However, musical sounds come surprisingly close.

Obviously we need language to describe periodic functions. The most basic property is the period , which is just the time that it takes for the pattern to repeat. This is the same as the time difference between when some pattern appears, and when it appears again. For instance, in this plot,

the period is 1 because every 1 on the horizontal axis, the pattern repeats.

Frequency is defined as the inverse of the period. Period is usually written as T, and is measured in seconds. Frequency is f = 1/T and is measured in 1/seconds, which are called Hertz. Think of Hertz as "somethings per second," specifically, how often something repeats per second. The more often something repeats, the shorter the period, but the larger the frequency.

The most familiar example to musicians is metronomic markings. At a "moderato" tempo of 100 beats per minute, the period is (60 seconds/100 beats) = 0.6 seconds. The frequency is 1/period = 1/(0.6 seconds) = 1.67 Hertz. Since there are 2 eighth notes in a quarter note, the frequency of 8'th notes is twice as high; sixteenth notes are twice as high again, so sixteenth notes in moderato tempo occur at a frequency of about 4/(0.6 seconds) = 6.67 Hertz.

If something makes a series of sharp sounds, like staccato notes or like something bouncing in bicycle spokes, your ear can distinguish them as separate sounds if they are spaced less than about 12 or 15 per second. Beyond that, your perception tends to blur them together. [This is why musicians can get away with replacing a series of very fast notes with a slur sometimes without anyone noticing.] At about 20 to 30 Hertz, you instead perceive them as forming a low, dull sound. As the frequency goes up, the interpretation as a sound of definite frequency becomes clearer.

You can test this by putting a bicycle in a high gear, flipping it upside down so you can spin the back wheel with the pedal, and sticking a pen or piece of cardboard into the spokes. Depending on the speed you spin the wheel, you can make the object strike the spokes anywhere from a few times to a few hundred times per second. When it goes above 40 or 50 times a second, it is easily recognizable as a pitch. The faster you spin the wheel, the higher the pitch, eaching us that

Pitch corresponds to the frequency of a sound. Higher frequency is higher pitch.

There are many ways to convince yourself of that.
The limits of the range of Human hearing are about 20 Hertz to about 17 000 Hertz. At the bottom end, your ear's sensitivity becomes very poor, and sound becomes more of a sensation than a hearing experience. It is hard to demonstrate because most things which make a low pitched sound are also making higher pitched sounds at the same time [overtones, the subject of future lectures], and what you hear is the higher pitched tones. For instance, for the deepest instruments, like the contrabassoon, the bottom range of the piano, or the E string on the string bass, your perception is based almost entirely on these higher frequencies [overtones] rather than the fundamental note itself.

That is not true of the top range of hearing. Again, you lose sensitivity above some frequency, but in a sharper way. Sounds outside your range of hearing are simply not perceived at all. To see this, listen (on headphones or speakers) to the following mp3 file, which plays in succession, notes of

Chances are you hear clearly the first 5 or 6, and barely notice the next one , but cannot hear the ones past 18 kiloHertz (18 000 Hertz). This limit on your hearing will deteriorate with age. People in their 60's often cannot go past 11 000 Hertz, sometimes even less.

Higher frequency is higher pitch, but we also have a definite notion of how much higher pitched one note is than another. Is this determined in a simple way in terms of the periods or frequencies? The answer is yes, but not as simple as you were hoping.

this mp3 file plays, in succession, notes of frequency

which are evenly spaced in frequency. You will perceive them to be getting closer together in frequency instead. So even spacing in frequency is not the natural perception of even spacing in pitch.

Is it even spacings in period? this mp3 file plays, in succession, notes of

which are evenly spaced in period. You will perceive them as getting closer in spacing again. So the answer is something in between.

Let us try equal ratios of frequency, say, each note exactly twice the frequency of the note before. this mp3 file plays notes of frequency

which are of equal ratio, namely, the ratio of successive frequencies is 2. These do sound like they are evenly spaced. [Musicians will instantly recognize them as being spaced in octaves. Now you know what an octave is.]

To confirm this, we play notes spaced by factors of 3/2: this mp3 file plays notes spaced by this ratio, namely,

These are also evenly spaced perceptually [and musicians will recognize them as being spaced by perfect fifths. Now you know what a perfect fifth is.]

This tells us that our perception of pitch is logarithmically related to frequency, and since the octave is the most important musical interval, we should study this using logarithms base 2. (More in the next lecture)