Organizers: Andreas Bauswein, Kai Hebeler, Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo, Achim Schwenk
Secretary: Stephanie Müller, phone: +49 6151 16-21558, fax: +49 6151 16-21555
E-mail: (secretary), (organizers)
Advisors:- Chuck Horowitz (Indiana University Bloomington)
- Samaja Nissanke (University of Amsterdam)
- Sanjay Reddy (INT)
- Masaru Shibata (MPI for Gravitational Physics)
- Anna Watts (University of Amsterdam)
Scope of the meeting
The workshop will bring together observational astrophysicists and nuclear physicists to develop an improved understanding of the equation of state over a wide range of densities. One of the key goals is to explore astrophysical and nuclear physics constraints for neutron star radii, and the implications for nuclear astrophysics.
Recent breakthroughs like the first detection of the gravitational wave signal of the neutron star merger as well as ongoing missions aiming at first direct neutron-star radius measurements using x-ray timing are expected to significantly enhance our theoretical understanding of neutron-rich matter under extreme conditions.
Complementary to these novel astrophysical constraints, significant progress has been achieved in recent years in constraining properties of dense matter based on microscopic calculations and nuclear interactions derived within chiral effective field theory. Such ab initio studies provide constraints for the nuclear symmetry energy, which can also be benchmarked against results from laboratory experiments. However, such studies are naturally limited to lower densities, up to about nuclear saturation density for neutron-rich systems. This limitation makes it necessary to combine these constraints with information from observations in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the equation of state over the full density range relevant for neutron stars.
Specifically, recent developments in the following fields will be discussed:
- EOS from laboratory experiments
- EOS from microscopic calculations
- Electromagnetic and gravitational-wave observations for EOS constraints
Organizational information
The number of participants is limited to about 70. Sessions will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The program will consist of invited talks and selected contributions.
The workshop takes place at the Darmstädter Haus. Please note important travel information. Current weather conditions can be viewed at the webcam of Hotel Birkenhöhe.
If you have any requests or suggestions please contact the conference secretary via e-mail: Stephanie Müller
Time table
Registration | open |
List of participants | available |
Program | available |
Previous Hirschegg Meetings
- 2019: From QCD matter to hadrons
- 2018: Multiparticle resonances in hadrons, nuclei, and ultracold gases
- 2017: Neutron star mergers: From gravitational waves to nucleosynthesis
- 2016: QCD matter: dense and hot
- 2015: Nuclear Structure and Reactions: Weak, Strange and Exotic
- 2014: Hadrons from Quarks and Gluons
- 2013: Astrophysics and Nuclear Structure
- 2012: Facets of Strong-Interaction Physics
- 2011: The Structure and Dynamics of Hadrons
- 2010: Strongly Interacting Matter under Extreme Conditions
- 2009: Nuclear Matter at High Density
- 2008: Modern Aspects in Nuclear Structure and Reactions
- 2007: The Structure and Dynamics of Hadrons
- 2006: Astrophysics and Nuclear Structure
- 2005: Probing QCD with High Energy Nuclear Collisions
- 2004: Probing Nuclei and Nucleons with Electrons and Photons
- 2003: Nuclear Structure and Dynamics at the Limits
- 2002: Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
- 2001: Structure of Hadrons
- 2000: Hadrons in dense matter
- 1999: Multifragmentation
- 1998: Nuclear Astrophysics
- 1997: QCD Phase Transitions
- 1996: Extremes of Nuclear Structure
- 1995: Hadrons in Nuclear Matter