23. 05. 2024 at 13:30 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumTakashi Nakamura (Tokyo Institute of Technology) In this seminar, we will explore the characteristic nuclear structures near the edge of the nuclear landscape, particularly focusing on the neutron drip line. We will begin by discussing the characteristic features emerging at the boundary between open and closed quantum systems, such as those found in the drip lines. The discussion will then focus on recent spectroscopic studies of neutron-rich nuclei near and beyond the neutron drip line, using the large acceptance multi-purpose spectrometer SAMURAI at RIBF, RIKEN. We will highlight the recent observations of 27O and 28O [1], the latter being a potential candidate for the doubly-magic nucleus candidate. Then, we will show recent experimental results on 31Ne, known for its deformed halo structure. The results include exclusive Coulomb breakup of 31Ne with a lead target, nuclear breakup (inelastic scattering) of 31Ne with a carbon target, and 1n-, 1p-removal reactions of 32Ne and 32Na, respectively, leading to the 31Ne unbound excited states. The interplay between the halo structure, shell-evolution, and deformation will be discussed. Finally, we will outline an ongoing project for multi-neutron systems and discuss future perspectives on the spectroscopy of exotic nuclei along the neutron drip line. |
04. 05. 2023 at 14:00 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumGaute Hagen (ORNL) High performance computing, many-body methods with polynomial scaling, and ideas from effective-field-theory is pushing the frontier of ab-initio computations of nuclei. |
19. 12. 2022 at 14:00 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumBernhard Maass (Argonne National Laboratory) In recent years, a laser spectroscopy beamline was installed and commissioned at the ATLAS facility at Argonne National Laboratory. Experiments using this new setup were conducted on fission fragments from the CARIBU Californium source. This overview will provide details on the measurements performed, initial results, and a look ahead to future laser spectroscopy experiments at ANL. |
21. 07. 2022 at 14:00 S2 11/10 (plus zoom) | SFB ColloquiumFernando Montes (NSCL) Stellar explosions and colliding neutron stars are important sources of the chemical elements in nature. While some of the astrophysical processes responsible for element creation are well understood, others have remained elusive for decades. Processes creating elements often involve short lived radioactive isotopes that can be produced at accelerator facilities. Studies with these isotopes allow us to constrain the relevant nuclear reaction rates so one can understand in the laboratory how elements are created. In this talk, I will focus on the lighter heavy elements of the first r-process peak, between strontium and silver, and will review the important role that nuclear reactions play in understanding stellar explosions. I will discuss recent endeavors to experimentally constraint some of the relevant nuclear reaction rates and will emphasize the role of the newly commissioned SECAR (SEparator for CApture Reactions) recoil separator at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) as well as new initiatives, and plans for the future. |
30. 06. 2022 at 14:00 S2 14 / 24 (plus zoom) | SFB ColloquiumIris Dillmann (TRIUMF) Heavy-ion storage rings connected to radioactive beam facilities offer a unique environment for nuclear physics experiments. However, so far they have been only coupled to in-flight fragmentation facilities, for example the ESR and the CRYRING at GSI Darmstadt/ Germany, the CSR at HIRF in Lanzhou/ China, and the Rare RI Ring at RIKEN Nishina Center in Japan. |
19. 05. 2022 at 14:00 S2 11/10 (plus zoom) | SFB ColloquiumPieter Doornenbal (RIKEN) Since its first beam in 2006, the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF) of the RIKEN Nishina Center provides the world's most intense secondary beams at intermediate energies. Its capabilities have been demonstrated by the discovery of almost 200 new isotopes, and future intensity upgrades are planned in order to maintain its leading role. |
09. 03. 2022 at 10:30 zoom | SFB ColloquiumLiss Rodriguez (CERN) High-resolution collinear laser spectroscopy has been recently performed on a long sequence of tin (Z=50) and lead (Z = 82) isotopes at COLLAPS/CERN. Hyperfine structures and isotope shifts have been measured and high-precision values of electromagnetic moments and charge radii of ground and isomeric states are extracted. Similar quadratic trends are observed for the quadrupole moments of the 11/2- and 13/2+ isomeric states in the semi-magic nuclei. The picture is not the same for the ground states where the pattern changes from linear, in tin, to quadratic, in lead. Differences in charge radii between the high-spin isomeric states and the nuclear ground states, on the other hand, also show a surprisingly similar behaviour. These regularities will be discussed in the framework of nuclear structure with emphasis on how, under certain conditions, simplicity arises out of complexity. |
13. 01. 2022 at 14:00 zoom | SFB ColloquiumHeiko Hergert (MSU) Nowadays, computationally efficient many-body methods can be used to perform first-principles calculations for atomic nuclei up to mass A~150. This progress has made it possible to confront modern two- and three-nucleon interactions from Chiral Effective Field Theory with a wealth of experimental data, and provide important guidance in their ongoing refinement. |
24. 06. 2021 at 14:00 zoom | SFB ColloquiumThomas Papenbrock (University of Tennessee) Recent years have witnessed a sea change in our description of atomic nuclei. Ideas from effective field theory and the renormalization group combined with efficient computational tools, emulators, and accelerators have propelled nuclear theory. Increasingly heavy nuclei are now described using controlled approximations. Machine learning tools and emulators allow us to explore a continuum of interactions at once. This talk highlights some of the recent advances. |
17. 06. 2021 at 14:00 zoom | SFB ColloquiumJavier Menendez (University of Barcelona) Atomic nuclei could neutrinoless double-beta (0nbb) decay by emitting |
03. 12. 2020 at 14:00 zoom | SFB ColloquiumConstanca Providencia (University of Coimbra) I will refer to some results on the implication of neutron star observations on the equation of state, and of the equation of state calibrated to experiments on neutron star properties. The following topics will be discussed: the possible hyperon content and implication on neutron star properties, the formation of light clusters in warm matter, constraining the EoS from the tidal deformability and hybrid stars with large quark cores. |
26. 11. 2020 at 14:00 zoom | SFB ColloquiumCamilla Hansen (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg) Observations of cool, low-mass stars provide the best cosmic traces of current and past nuclear reactions taking place in some of the most extreme environments in the Universe. Spectra of old, low-mass stars provide a multi-dimensional channel in time and space to study the nature, ejecta and nuclear reactions that took place billions of years ago in the first stars. The first stars were massive and exploded as supernovae long ago, however, their chemical finger prints survive in the low-mass stars we can still observe today. Through high-resolution, spectroscopic observations of these old generations of stars, we unveil the physical and chemical properties of the first stars and map the gradual chemical enrichment of the Milky Way. Focussing on the heavy elements, stellar abundances indicate that several formation channels must contribute to their production. Distinct contributions from at least two nuclear processes can be traced indirectly; a slow neutron-capture process associated with asymptotic giant branch stars and a rapid neutron-capture process which is harder to map. Past studies suggested supernovae as formation sites, while recent discoveries challenged this simplistic view. The combination of recent gravitational-wave detections and infrared imaging showed that merger events can create r-process material. However, the spectra provided the first direct detections of newly synthesised r-process material in a neutron star merger. In this talk, I will describe how we observationally can trace the origin of r-process elements in the universe and infer the nature of the first stars despite the fact that these are long gone. |
16. 12. 2019 at 14:00 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumBernhard Mueller (MPI Garching) Core-collapse supernovae, the explosions of massive stars, have remained one of the outstanding challenges in computational astrophysics for decades, and the mechanism by which they explode has long eluded us. However, there is now a growing number of 3D simulations that develop successful explosions driven by neutrino heating in conjunction with violent aspherical fluid motions. One of the main challenges is now to corroborate the simulations by confronting them with observables. Among these observables, the birth properties of compact remnant are within close reach. Recent 3D models already obtain neutron star masses, kicks, birth spin periods within the observed range, and predict interesting and possible testable correlations between these neutron star properties. Furthermore, 3D simulations of partially successful fallback supernovae suggest a pathway for the formation of black holes with substantial kicks, for which there is increasing observational evidence. I will conclude with an outlook on other observables that may help to further unravel the inner workings of the multi-dimensional neutrino-driven engine. |
28. 11. 2019 at 15:15 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumValentin Nesterenko (Dubna) Intrinsic vortical excitations represent a remarkable kind of the nuclear flow which does not contribute to the continuity equation. Despite an impressive effort in the theory and experiment, vortical modes still have many open problems and their direct experimental observation is yet questionable. In the present talk, we discuss the nuclear vorticity for the remarkable example of the isoscalar E1 toroidal mode. This mode is known in hydrodynamics as a Hill's vortex. In nuclei, it is mainly realized as an isoscalar giant toroidal dipole resonance (TDR). We sketch some TDR features (interplay of TDR and pygmy E1 resonance, deformation impact, etc) predicted by self-consistent microscopic models and outline the experimental status of the TDR. As a new route in exploration of the vortical toroidal flow, we propose to consider individual low-energy toroidal states in light nuclei like 24Mg, 20Ne, 16O,12C, 10Be. The Skyrme QRPA results are compared with AMD+GCM cluster results of Kyoto group. A possible way to identify the toroidal flow in the (e,e') reaction through the interplay of convection and magnetization contributions to transversal form factors is discussed. Besides, we inspect the interplay of E1 toroidal and M2 twist vortical modes. |
18. 11. 2019 at 10:00 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumAlexander Bartl (TNG Technology Consulting) Modern software engineering relies on a lot of tools and techniques that aim to make the code easier to write, easier to understand and more maintainable. Automated testing and continuous integration reduce the need to manually check intermediate results again and again while increasing ones trust in ones results. Version control systems like Git not only facilitate collaboration on code, but make it easier to track down bugs. Structuring code to be more readable and having other people actually read it has value even for code that is not meant to be shared but you will have to get back to after months or years when that paper is in its third round of reviews or you're finally writing up your thesis. Integrated development environments (IDEs) may seem much clunkier than simple text editors, but their code analysis makes them powerful. |
20. 08. 2019 at 14:00 S2 11/207 | SFB ColloquiumLucas Platter (University of Tennessee) Electroweak processes provide a unique way of testing nuclear models and the description of the coupling of external currents to nuclei. I will discuss recent progress in the calculation of electroweak processes in the few-body sector. In particular, electroweak capture reactions that also involve the Coulomb interaction are hard to measure experimentally since the cross section is exponentially suppressed due to the Coulomb repulsion. Specifically, I will focus on proton-proton fusion the initial reaction that starts the proton-proton chain reaction network that is generating energy in the sun. I will also address how this reaction is related to muon capture on the deuteron, an experimentally measurable process. For both of these processes, I will also illustrate different methods to quantify the uncertainties of our predictions. If time permits, I will also discuss our recent progress in calculate the decay rate for beta-delayed proton decay of Beryllium-11. |
25. 07. 2019 at 14:00 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumAtsushi Tamii (Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University, (RCNP-E498 collaboration)) The isovector giant dipole resonances (IVGDR) are described as collective dipole oscillation between neutrons and protons. They commonly exist in any atomic nuclei. The IVGDR is. Gross properties like excitation energy and strength are well reproduced by microscopic models but their width is not yet fully explained owing to the complex damping mechanism. Also pronounced fine structures are observed in heavy nuclei. The present research is focusing on the width and damping mechanism of the IVGDR. |
13. 06. 2019 at 14:00 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumCarlos Bertulani (Texas A&M University-Commerce) In this talk, I will discuss the limitations of nuclear physics in determining the necessary conditions for the description of neutron star masses, radii, and other properties. Some of the latest theoretical and experimental efforts will be reported, with emphasis on the symmetry energy and equation of state of nuclear matter. Perspectives will be discussed of how the ingredients of these physical quantities can be inferred from experiment plus theory. |
23. 05. 2019 at 14:00 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumAnn-Cecilie Larsen (University of Oslo) The element distribution we observe in the Universe, and in particular the diverse abundances of atomic nuclei, tells a fascinating story of nucleosynthesis events that have taken place throughout the 13.7-billion-year-long history starting with the Big Bang. Since the groundbreaking works of Burbidge, Burbidge, Fowler and Hoyle and Cameron in 1957, it has been known that radiative neutron-capture reactions play a major role in synthesizing elements heavier than iron. However, many questions remain when it comes to our understanding of neutron-capture processes in various stellar environments. In particular, the intermediate and rapid neutron-capture processes are very challenging to describe, as they involve neutron-rich nuclei for which there exist little or no data on the much-needed neutron-capture rates. In this contribution, possibilities to obtain indirect, experimental constraints of these rates by means of the Oslo method and the beta-Oslo method will be discussed. |
23. 04. 2019 at 14:00 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumEvan O'Connor (Stockholm University) Core-Collapse supernovae are triggered by the implosion and subsequent explosion of the iron core in an evolved massive star. Since the core is shrouded from us by the overlying layers of the star, numerical simulations (and the odd neutrino detection of a Galactic supernova) are our best look into this extreme engine that powers one of the most energetic events in the Universe. Nature is 3D, and it is critical to simulate core-collapse supernovae in three dimensions because of the important hydrodynamic instabilities that can be present, however they are computationally expensive. With 1D and 2D models, we are now able to perform parameterized and systematic studies across a range of stars. Furthermore, in spherical symmetry we are able to achieve excellent agreement between otherwise completely independent codes. In this talk I will present a global comparison in 1D between six core collapse codes, an exploration of parameterized 1D explosions with over 1000 simulations and the beginnings of a systematic study of core collapse in 2D and simulations where we explore fundamentally 3D phenomena. I'll also present new results on the equation of state dependence of black hole formation. |
07. 02. 2019 at 14:00 S103/221 | SFB ColloquiumMichael Wiescher (University of Notre Dame) Primordial Stars are first generation stars that formed about 400 Million years after the Big Bang. Model simulations predict a mass distribution ranging from ten to several thousand solar masses. Their lifetime is short and a direct observation is unlikely. The observational evidence is in the abundance distribution of the subsequent second/third star generation, which is characterized by large carbon, oxygen abundances, with some more spurious heavier contaminants. This talk will present the various nucleosynthesis patterns possible in a primordial star environment and will discuss present experimental efforts to obtain a better understanding of the associated nuclear reaction rates. Preliminary results have been used to perform first star nucleosynthesis simulations for identifying the main reaction path towards the early origin of carbon and oxygen in our universe. |
10. 01. 2019 at 14:00 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumWolfram Weise (TU Muenchen) This seminar presents a survey of our current understanding of dense baryonic matter from the point of view of hadronic chiral field theories and non-perturbative extensions using functional renormalization group methods. Constraints from neutron star observations are briefly reviewed. The so-called 'hyperon puzzle' in neutron star matter is outlined and a possible solution of this puzzle is discussed on the basis of hyperon-nuclear two- and three-body forces derived from chiral SU(3) effective field theory. |
13. 12. 2018 at 14:00 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumDaniel Phillips (Ohio University) For almost a century physicists have devoted intense attention to teasing out the nature of the nuclear force. But there remains much that we do not know about the way neutrons and protons interact, and the way that they come together to form nuclei. In this talk, I will show how two tools, effective field theory and Bayesian probability theory, can provide quantitative assessments of the impact of the things that we don't know about nuclear physics on the observables that are measured in experiments. |
12. 07. 2018 at 14:00 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumZsolt Poldolyak (University of Surrey) Information gained on neutron-rich N~126 nuclei is essential for the understanding of nuclear structure in heavy nuclei. Studies around doubly magic systems allow direct tests of the purity of shell model wave functions. From a longer-term perspective, experiments in this region pave the way toward the proposed nuclear-astrophysical r-process waiting point nuclei along the N = 126 shell closure. |
07. 06. 2018 at 14:00 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumBrian Metzger (Columbia University) On August 17 the LIGO/Virgo gravitational wave observatories detected the first binary neutron star merger event (GW170817), a discovery followed by the most ambitious electromagnetic (EM) follow-up campaign ever conducted. Within 2 seconds of the merger, a weak burst of gamma-rays was discovered by the Fermi and INTEGRAL satellites. Within 11 hours, a bright but rapidly-fading thermal optical counterpart was discovered in the galaxy NGC 4993 at a distance of only 130 Million light years. The properties of the optical transient match remarkably well predictions for "kilonova" emission powered by the radioactive decay of heavy nuclei synthesized in the expanding merger ejecta by rapid neutron capture nucleosynthesis (r-process). The rapid spectral evolution of the kilonova emission to near-infrared wavelengths demonstrates that a portion of the ejecta contains heavy lanthanide nuclei. Two weeks after the merger, rising non-thermal X-ray and radio emission were detected from the position of the optical transient, consistent with delayed synchrotron afterglow radiation from an initially off-axis relativistic jet (or a shock-heated "cocoon" produced as the ejecta interacts with the kilonova ejecta). I will describe efforts to create a unified scenario for the range of EM counterparts from GW170817 and their implications for the astrophysical origin of the r-process and the properties of neutron stars (particularly their uncertain radii and maximum mass, which are determined by the equation of state of dense nuclear matter). Time permitting, I will preview the upcoming era of multi-messenger astronomy, once Advanced LIGO/Virgo reach design sensitivity and a neutron star merger is detected every few weeks. |
29. 05. 2018 at 14:00 S2 11/207 | SFB ColloquiumLuna Pellegri (Wits University/iThemba LABS) The Pygmy Dipole Resonance (PDR), the low energy part of the electric dipole response in nuclei, is particularly relevant to investigate the nuclear structure and for its connections with photodisintegration reaction rates in astrophysical scenarios. Studies on the PDR are currently almost exclusively focused on spherical nuclei. For deformed nuclei several theoretical and experimental works have been performed to investigate the response of the Giant Dipole Resonance (GDR) while there are only a few on the PDR. |
19. 04. 2018 at 15:15 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumFrancesco Cappuzzello (University of Catania) The physics case of neutrino-less double beta decay and its tremendous implications on particle physics, cosmology and fundamental physics will be briefly introduced. In particular, the crucial aspect of the nuclear matrix elements entering in the expression of the half-life of this process will be deepened. The novel idea of using heavy-ion induced reactions as useful tools for the determination of these matrix elements will be then presented. The strengths and the limits of the proposed methodology will be indicated. New data from MAGNEX facility at the INFN-LNS laboratory give first evidences of the possibility to get quantitative results from experiments. Finally, the NUMEN project of INFN and the proposed strategy to this research will be sketched also in the view of the emerging technologies proposed. |
08. 02. 2018 at 15:15 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumKei Minamisono (NSCL) Nuclear spin, electromagnetic moments and charge radius of radioactive nuclei are determined using laser spectroscopy techniques at the BEam COoling and LAser spectroscopy (BECOLA) facility at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory located in Michigan State University. The radioactive isotopes are produced using projectile-fragmentation reactions followed by in-flight separation and gas stopping. The scheme complements the reach over isotopes of ISOL-type facilities, where many laser spectroscopy data has been obtained for selected elements. BECOLA is currently the only laser spectroscopy facility that can accept radioactive beams from the fragmentation facility, and opens up new opportunities to explore key rare isotopes that have been difficult for laser spectroscopy to access before. I will introduce the BECOLA facility, and discuss recent results for neutron-deficient nuclei at the neutron shell closures N = 20 around Ca and N = 28 around Ni isotopes. |
25. 01. 2018 at 15:15 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumMichael Jentschel (Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble) The ILL operates one of the most intense neutron sources in the world. Although primarily used for neutron scattering there exist a long-standing history of gamma ray spectroscopy at the ILL. The availability of well collimated intense neutron beams and in-pile sample irradiation positions allowed to develop quite unique instruments and applications of gamma ray spectroscopy. The talk will start with giving an overview on the different aspects of neutron based gamma ray spectroscopy at the ILL. Amongst the operating gamma ray instruments the ultra-high-resolution gamma ray spectrometers GAMS play a particular role due to their outstanding energy resolution and dynamic range. The instruments are based on perfect crystal Laue diffraction of gamma rays produced by excited nuclei in the reactor and their operation requires one of the worlds best angle measurement devices. Accordingly the experiments contributed in the past to many different fields in physics: nuclear structure, metrology, photon matter interaction, crystallography and astrophysics. In a second part the talk will review some highlights from the past 20 years of operation of these instruments. |
14. 12. 2017 at 14:00 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumHans-Thomas Janka (MPI Garching) First three-dimensional, first-principle simulations of core-collapse supernovae have become possible in the recent past. They demonstrate the basic viability of the neutrino-driven mechanism for powering the explosions of the majority of supernova progenitors. Although a number of open questions remain to be settled, the explosion models are now sufficiently mature to strive for detailed comparisons against observations, for example considering well studied, nearby supernovae and supernova remnants. This talk will review our basic understanding of the explosion mechanism and report some results of such observational tests. |
26. 10. 2017 at 14:00 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumAleksi Vuorinen (Helsinki Institute of Physics) Neutron stars, currently probed using both electromagnetic and gravitational wave observations, contain some of the densest matter in the known universe, possibly including even deconfined quark matter. In my talk, I will describe recent efforts to understand the collective properties of high-density quark matter, using both resummed perturbation theory and the holographic AdS/CFT duality. Prospects for quantitatively constraining the observable properties of neutron stars using these results will also be discussed in detail. |
13. 07. 2017 at 15:15 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumKei Kotake (Fukuoka University/Japan) We will report status of multi-messenger predictions from our 2D and 3D core-collapse supernova (SN) models. After some review about SN multi-messengers, we show that progenitor's core-compactness is a good diagnostics for predicting gravitational-wave (GW) signals and also diffuse-supernova-neutrino-background (DSNB) signals. From our 3D rotating models, we show some interesting viewing-angle effects of the neutrino and GW signals. Finally we report our on-going project to update neutrino opacities in our work-horse supernova code. |
28. 06. 2017 at 11:00 S2 08/171 | SFB ColloquiumSharon McGrayne (SFB 1245 Women's Week) When my first book Nobel Prize Women in Science was published in 1993, the legal barriers against women in academic science seemed to be fading into the past. But now we realize that subtle barriers are also difficult to deal with. In my talk, I'll give some examples, past and present, and describe recent research on the subject. In particular, I will draw on what I've learned from the writing a book about the present situation for women in science with Dr. Rita Colwell, microbiologist, former director of the National Science Foundation, and Distinguished Professor at the University of Maryland, College Park, and Johns Hopkins University. |
18. 05. 2017 at 15:30 S2 11/207 | SFB ColloquiumPaul-Gerhard Reinhard (Uni Erlangen) Self-consistent nuclear models are based on energy-density functional adjusted to a reference set of nuclear data. The talk concentrates on the most widely used Skyrme- Hartree-Fock (SHF) approach comparing occasionally with the relativistic mean-field model. |
09. 02. 2017 at 15:15 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumThomas Luu () I discuss the application of lattice monte carlo (MC) techniques to calculate the properties of low-dimensional non-relativistic systems. For specific applications I consider the 2-dimensional graphene and quasi 1-dimensional carbon nanotube systems at half-filling with strongly correlated electrons. I compare and contrast the use of MC techniques in lattice QCD with these low-dimensional non-relativistic systems, and show how lattice QCD techniques can be applied to calculate the quasi-particle spectrum of these systems. I discuss the limitations of this formalism, and conclude with an outlook of possible future calculations. |
26. 01. 2017 at 15:15 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumBarbara Dietz (Lanzhou University/China) High resolution experiments have recently lead to a complete identification (energy, spin, and parity) of 151 nuclear levels up to an excitation Energy of Ex= 6.20 MeV in 208Pb. We present a thorough study of the fluctuation properties in the energy spectra of the unprecedented set of nuclear bound states. In a first approach we grouped states with the same spin and parity into 14 subspectra, analyzed standard statistical measures for short- and long-range correlations and then computed their ensemble average. Their comparison with a random matrix ensemble which interpolates between Poisson statistics expected for regular systems and the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE) predicted for chaotic systems shows that the data are well described by the GOE. In a second approach, following an idea of Rosenzweig and Porter we considered the complete spectrum composed of the independent subspectra. We analyzed their fluctuation properties using the method of Bayesian inference involving a quantitative measure, called the chaoticity parameter f, which also interpolates between Poisson (f=0) and GOE statistics (f=1). It turns out to be f~0.9. This is so far the closest agreement with GOE observed in spectra of bound states in a nucleus. The same analysis has also been performed with spectra computed on the basis of shell model calculations with different interactions (SDI, KB, M3Y). While the simple SDI exhibits features typical for nuclear many-body systems with regular dynamics, the other, more realistic interactions yield chaoticity parameters f close to the experimental values. |
24. 11. 2016 at 15:20 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumPierre Capel () Away from the valley of stability, a numerous of exotic nuclear structures are encountered: shell inversions, halo nuclei,... The study of these short-lived exotic systems is mostly performed through nuclear reactions measured at Radioactive-Ion Beam facilities. To infer valuable structure information from experimental data, a reliable model of the reaction mechanism coupled to a realistic description of the nucleus under investigation is required. |
03. 11. 2016 at 15:20 S2 11/10 | SFB ColloquiumXiaofei Yang (KU Leuven) High resolution laser spectroscopy can access to multiple nuclear properties of ground/isomeric states of radioactive nuclei far from stability, such as nuclear spins, nuclear magnetic and quadruple moments and charge radii [1]. These fundamental properties of exotic nuclei provide important information for the investigation of the nuclear structure in different regions of nuclear chart. Currently, two complementary collinear laser spectroscopy set-ups are available at ISOLDE, Collinear Laser Spectroscopy (COLLAPS) and Collinear Resonant Ionization Spectroscopy (CRIS) [2]. |
14. 07. 2016 at 14:00 S2 11/10 | SFB Colloquium (Argonne National Laboratory) The atomic structure of simple, few electron systems can be precisely calculated. Likewise, few nucleon systems can be accurately treated within ab-initio nuclear theories. Bringing these two fields together, we perform precision studies of light, radioactive isotopes that show a remarkable range of neutron-to-proton ratios. Techniques of high-resolution laser spectroscopy and of laser cooling and trapping offer unique access to precision nuclear structure and weak interaction studies of these isotopes to probe nucleon-nucleon interactions and to search for physics beyond the Standard Model. In my talk I will cover two on-going efforts in this direction: precision measurements of nuclear charge radii moving towards the proton rich Boron-8 and a beta-neutrino angular correlation measurement with laser trapped Helium-6. |
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Institut für Kernphysik
Schlossgartenstraße 2
64289 Darmstadt
Stephanie Müller
+49 6151 16 21558
+49 6151 16 21555