Alexander Tichai

Alexander Tichai

ERC Group Leader DeformedNuclei
Room S2|11 101
+49 6151 16 21564

Areas of Research

  • Many-body theory for open-shell nuclei
  • Symmetry-broken correlation expansions
  • Tensor factorization and data compression techniques

Academic CV

2007 - 2011:
Bachelor studies in physics at TU Darmstadt
Bachelor's degree in physics, thesis title: "Decoherence in physical systems"
2011 - 2013:
Bachelor studies in mathematics at TU Darmstadt
Bachelor's degree in mathematics, thesis title: "Combinatorial surfaces of high genus"
2011 - 2014:
Master studies in physics at TU Darmstadt
Master's degree in physics, thesis title: "Convergence behaviour of many-body perturbation theory"
2013 - 2016:
Master studies in mathematics at TU Darmstadt
Master's degree in mathematics, thesis title: "Lightcone embeddings of Kac-Moody groups of indefinite type"
2014 - 2017:
Doctoral studies in physics at TU Darmstadt
Doctoral degree in physics, thesis title: "Many-body perturbation theory for medium-mass nuclei"
2018 - 2019:
Postdoctoral Researcher at CEA Saclay and Université Paris-Saclay
2019 - 2025:
Postdoctoral Researcher at TU Darmstadt
since 2025:
ERC Group Leader DeformedNuclei


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