Nuclei: From Fundamental Symmetries
to Structure and Stars

W. Nörtershäuser, A. Obertelli, R. Roth, A. Schwenk

Summer 2018

Seminar: Do. 15:20 - 17:00 @ S2 11/10
This seminar is focused on recent advances in low-energy nuclear physics, both, in experiment and in theory. Building on the research topics of the DFG Collaborative Research Center 1245 in Darmstadt, we will highlight the major fields of expertise of the local groups.

Many of the presentations will come in pairs, with one talk highlighting the experimental methods and achievements and the other discussing the corresponding theory developments for addressing the same phenomenon or observable.

Below you will find the schedule for the seminar. Additionally, a list of abstracts can be downloaded via the following link:

List of Abstracts


Date Title Speaker Advisor
12 April Initial Meeting: Assignment of Topics
3 May Nuclear forces and electroweak currents from chiral effective field theory (T) L. Kurt Schwenk
17 May Precision spectroscopy of light nuclei: The nuclear charge radius of 11-Li (E) F. Ehmann Nörtershäuser
24 May Precision Calculations of Light Nuclei (T) M. Dupper Roth
14 June Neutron skins in stable and radioactive nuclei (E) A. Schmidt Obertelli
21 June Electromagnetic Observables in the In-Medium Similarity Renormalization Group (T) J. Müller Roth
28 June Laser spectroscopic determination of nuclear moments: Simple structure of complex nuclei (E) C. Wandschura Nörtershäuser
12 July Ab Initio Theory for Hypernuclei (T) J. Fischer Roth