Prof. Dr. Robert Roth

Professor, Head of the Group


Research Activities

  • Nuclear Structure Theory with QCD-Based Hamiltonians
  • Unitary Transformation Methods: UCOM and SRG
  • Novel Ab Initio Methods for Nuclear Structure and Reactions
  • Ultracold Atomic Gases in Traps: Bosons, Fermions, and Mixtures
  • Quantum Phase Transitions of Atomic Gases in Optical Lattices
  • Computational Physics

Laura Mertes

Doctoral Student


Research Activities

  • Nuclear Structure Theory
  • Collective Excitations and Strength Functions
  • No-Core Shell Model and Im-Medium SRG

Tobias Wolfgruber

Doctoral Student


Research Activities

  • Nuclear Structure Theory
  • Chiral EFT Interactions and Application to Light Nuclei
  • Artificial Neural Networks

Marco Knöll

Doctoral Student


Research Activities

  • Nuclear Structure Theory
  • Nuclei and Hypernuclei in the NCSM
  • Artificial Neural Networks

Cedric Wenz

Doctoral Student


Research Activities

  • Nuclear Structure Theory
  • In-Medium Similarity Renomalization Group
  • New Active-Sapce CI Approaches

Lisa Wagner

Doctoral Student


Research Activities

  • Nuclear Structure Theory
  • No-Core Shell Model
  • Precision Studies of Electromagnetic Observables

Patrick Lehnung

Master Student

  • Office S2|11 - 2
  • Phone +49 (0)6151 16 21528

Research Activities

  • Nuclear Structure Theory
  • In-Medium No-Core Shell Model
  • Multi-Reference Approaches for Open-Shell Nuclei

Tobias Gesser

Master Student

  • Office S2|11 - 2
  • Phone +49 (0)6151 16 21528

Research Activities

  • Nuclear Structure Theory
  • Ab Initio No-Core Shell Model
  • Precision Calculation of Radii of p-Shell Nuclei

Michelle Müller

Master Student

  • Office S2|11 - 203
  • Phone +49 (0)6151 16 21553

Research Activities

  • Nuclear Structure Theory
  • Ab Initio Methods for Medium-Mass Systems
  • Collective Excitations, Polarizability and Correlations

Marc Leon Agel

Master Student

  • Office S2|11 - 202
  • Phone +49 (0)6151 16 21552

Research Activities

  • Nuclear Structure Theory
  • Ab Initio No-Core Shell Model
  • Neural Networks for Correlated Observables

Katrin Katzenmeier

Master Student

  • Office S2|11 - 2
  • Phone +49 (0)6151 16 21528

Research Activities

  • Nuclear Structure Theory
  • In-Medium No-Core Shell Model
  • Multi-Confirational Perturbation Theory

