Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics
Florence, March 1 - March 12, 2021
Ab Initio Calculations of Nuclear Structure
Robert Roth
Here are the slides of my lecture at the FNHP2021 virtual school for download.
All the remote lectures have been uploaded to the YouTube channel of the Galileo Galilei Instiute. You can watch the 4 lectures plus the extra hands-on session via the following links. Note that the topics of the individual lectures are packaged slightly differently compared to the slides above.
As an optional practical project we will explore the basic computational elements of the no-core shell model. Starting from the matrix elements of the kinetic energy and the interaction in a three-particle Jacobi harmonic-oszillator basis, you can study one or more of the following steps, which are an integral part of modern no-core shell model calculations:
- solution of the SRG flow equations in three-body space
- implementation and exploration of the Lanczos algorithm for large sparse eigenvalue problems
- study of the convergence behaviour of the triton ground-state energy
All relevant files plus a demo implementation in Mathematica with instructions can be found in the folowing ZIP file